Saturday, January 22, 2011

School's going great. Dad's shipped my school books to Europe, so you'd think I'd get a week off, right? Wrong! Mom's scanned my books and now I have to do homework. Dang.


  1. LOL. Good post, Allison! I guess your situation is the downside of having a mom who's so well organized! And who obviously respects learning -- which is, of course, a good thing (even when it doesn't immediately feel like it).

    Are you excited? Nervous? I'll be thinking of you two, and I'm so happy you're each doing a blog about your adventures!

  2. That Mom of yours is just too clever!!
    (I'm your Mom's friend Natalie/Knatolee in Canada)

  3. Mom is very crafty about avoiding homework avoidance.

  4. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to survive school. (if you don't know who i am look at the comment on the arriving in croatia thingy)
